Limitless Inclusiveness via Social Networking

With the rise of social networking, its plausible to say that connecting via Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter no longer needs physical agreement. Meeting in person to connect through these channels have become somewhat archaic, and people are less wary of "stranger danger" on the Internet. With the old system of physical networking gradually dissipating, there have been articles, studies and opinions that imply a sense of narcissism with those participating. But with this increase in participation via the Internet, not all is lost in the youth of today. Rather, there is this unique inclusiveness that allows for an infinite circle of networking. This uniqueness allows for relationships to form on the basis of understanding, empathy and awareness; nonetheless, with a following behind you, this can be seen as vain. However, for those who struggle to find someone with similar attributes and backstories in their town or city, social networking becomes a channel for hope. Reddit communities that back the LGBT+ community provide an outlet of awareness and understanding. Facebook groups that share funny videos of pets may bring joy and laughter to those who either yearn or have a furry companion of their own. These relationships are based on similarities, but aren't mutually exclusive to just that. Those who are curious to explore a new realm of interests, hobbies or personalities can be exposed to whatever possible. Social networking has heightened empathy, reduced stress and provided foundation for a sense of open-mindedness. It is a system that encompasses the entire world, and by definition, eradicates the limitations of physical networking. It is an attractive system with fault, of course, but outweighs those faults by opening one door to all its participants. Networking is no longer halted by distance; rather, social networking is limitless in the networking it provides.


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