HW Creativity
Since new media has opened
unlimited realms of information passing from one end of the globe to another,
it’s safe to say that creativity has elevated since its fruition. In short, it
incentivizes and fosters innovation and creativity because free, accessible
platforms allow for those who consume new media to reward those who advance it.
Of course, that’s strictly speaking from an economic perspective. For the daily
lives of creators, new media is simply an outlet to fool around, create skits,
and develop short films of anything and everything. And this includes an
elevation of famous works. New media does not exclude the advancement of
previous creations; how else would be have recreated Star Wars? Or foster the
idea that perhaps there’s needs to be a whimsical remake of the Grimm Brother’s
scary-tales? A prime example of this is cited in Barnes’s article in the New
York Times, where she discusses Nickelodean’s tolerance of consumers using
their characters. She notes, “Nickelodeon… sees the humorous video as fair use
of its copyrighted content…Our audiences can creatively mash video from our
content as much and as often as they like…that was a very nice edit job by
whoever did the SpongeBob mash” (Barnes).
So even with the
introduction of patents, trademarks and copyrights leveling the grounds of
piracy, there is still humor instilled for harmless recreations. After all, the
battles picked on the grounds of piracy are selective. Because of this high
degree of selectivity, creativity isn’t impeded out of fear that one would be
sued for infringement; rather, these new laws allow for the public domain (in
this case, new media) to create what it wants, and reap the rewards for one’s
own creation, as opposed to copying and pasting. And this is self-evident with
the rise in TV sitcoms, and other networks producing their own popular shows.
HBO’s Game of Thrones, and Netflix’s Stranger Things all center on one specific
genre and theme, but because of widespread availability for consumption, these
companies can keep generating incredible content. The outreach today is
incredibly vast, so with that, creators can capture large shares of an audience
without too much trouble or resource.
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